2011年1月12日 星期三

有爭議的答案: How a deployment manager participate in a flexible management evnrionment?

IBM 000-377 模擬考題中, 有一個問題給的答案有爭議. 問題如下?

In Order for a deployment manager to participate in a flexible management environment, which one uf the following steps must be completed?

A. Register directly with the job manager.
B. Register with the node agent on the jobmanagers host.
C. Register with an administrative agent on the jobmanagers host
D. First register with a local administrative agent, and then register with the job manager.

模擬考題給的答案是 D.

但是, 和  page 45 in WebSphere Application Server V7 Administration and Configuration Guide 說得不太一樣. 在 Guide 中說 "If a deployment manager wants to participate in an environment controlled by a job manager, the deployment manager registers directly with the job manager; no administrative agent is involved in this case."

